The Software Solution for Manufacturers, Retailers and Mail Order Companies in the Fashion and Textile Industry

Discover IN:FASHION – your customised software solution for the fashion market. IN:FASHION combines the power of fashion functions, omnichannel features and first-class best-of-breed extensions on the solid foundation of Microsoft Dynamics 365, specially developed for the unique needs of manufacturers, retailers and mail order companies in the fashion and textile industry.

IN:FASHION enables you to master industry-specific challenges with ease. Our comprehensive, integrated and modular solution enables you to respond efficiently to market demands, shorten your time-to-market and increase your competitiveness. Our many years of experience and expertise in the industry promise you reliable and comprehensive support right from the start.

Avoid system breaks in your old IT software infrastructure and optimise your processes with the fully integrated IN:FASHION software. Reduce the time-to-market of your collections and eliminate duplication of work and inefficient coordination processes. With IN:FASHION, you can integrate essential functionalities and agile business planning, enabling simultaneous or delayed, optimised planning and implementation of multiple collections.

With IN:FASHION, you can ensure that your products are always in the right place at the right time – a decisive factor for success in the fashion industry. Our solution offers comprehensive functions for automated replenishment and direct stock balancing between shops to avoid overstocking and expensive discount campaigns. Our advanced functions save you from high logistics costs and disappointed customers by ensuring the availability of your products even in the second half of the season.

Rely on IN:FASHION to maximise your business success. We offer you not just software, but a holistic solution with many years of industry expertise and best practices that will take you and your brand into the future.

Process Overview

Fashion Processes between Standardisation and Differentiation

Business processes in the fashion industry are often similar, but rarely identical down to the smallest detail. With the IN:FASHION ecosystem, you can run all processes from planning to sales on an end-to-end cloud platform without interfaces.

The IN:FASHION process overview gives you a good overview and insight into the process expertise.

  • Strategische Umsatz- und Ergebnisziele
  • Flächenplanung
  • Flächencluster
  • Warengruppen-/Limitplanung
  • Saisonplanung
  • Open-to-Buy
  • Absatzplanung
  • Beschaffungsplanung
  • Kollektionsrahmenplanung
  • Sortimentsplanung
  • Sortimentsbausteine
  • Shopping-List
  • Materialien
  • Farben / Größen / Schnitte
  • Farbkarten
  • Größenverläufe
  • Kalkulationen
  • Muster
  • Gradierte Maßtabellen
  • Tech Packs
  • Sortimente und Hierarchien
  • Kollektionen
  • Kollektionsbereinigung
  • Saisons
  • Mehrere Lieferfenster pro
  • Saisonale Farben
  • NOS
  • Disposition
  • Brutto-/Nettobedarfsrechnung
  • Vorschläge für Bestellungen,
  • Produktionen und Umlagerungen
  • Nachschubplanung
  • Rahmenbestellungen / Block Orders
  • Preisstaffeln
  • Bonusvereinbarungen
  • Bestellabwicklung
  • Wareneingang und Einlagerung
  • Qualitätssicherung
  • Zertifikatsverwaltung
  • Lieferantenmanagement
  • Lieferantenportal
  • Ressourcen/-eigenschaften
  • Dynamische Stücklisten und Arbeitspläne
  • Grob- und Feinplanung
  • Standort- und länderübergreifende Kapazitäts-planung und
  • (Akkord)-Lohnabrechnung/
  • Lohncoupons
  • Lagerbewirtschaftung
  • Lagerbewertung und -regulierung
  • Kommissionierung
  • Versand und Verpackung
  • Retourenabwicklung
  • Warenverteilung
  • Erstbestückung der Filiale
  • Nachversorung
  • Stichtagsinventur
  • Permanente Inventur
  • Verzollung und Intrastat
  • Longtail und Konsignation
  • KEP- und Speditionsdienstleister
  • Gesamttransportkosten und Seewegverwaltung
  • Rückstandsverwaltung
  • CRM und Adressmanagement
  • Zielgruppenselektion
  • Kundenbindung
  • Bonus- und Treueprogramme
  • Interessenten und Angebote
  • Werbekampagnen / Promotions
  • Werbe- und Kaufgutscheine
  • Up-/Cross-Selling
  • Kundendaten
  • Aktionen und Rabatte
  • Kassen und mobile Beratung
  • Abverkauf
  • Umlagerungen
  • Personaleinsatzplanung (PEP)
  • Filialmanagement
  • Omnichannel
  • Webshop
  • Marktplätze und Plattformen
  • Boniprüfung
  • Zahlungsmethoden
  • Kundenstammdaten
  • Kundenindividuelle Preise und Rabatte
  • Zahlungsmethoden
  • Kundenanfragen und -angebote
  • Auftragsprüfung und -abwicklung
  • Kundenbenachrichtigungen
  • Reservierung und Versandfreigabe
  • Faktura
  • Callcenter
  • Retourenabwicklung
  • Hauptbuch
  • Bankwesen
  • Debitoren
    • Mahnungen
    • Inkasse
  • Kreditoren
    • Eingangsrechnungsprüfung
    • Zahlungsvorschläge
  • Anlagevermögen
  • Mandantenverwaltung
    • Intercompany-Verrechnung
  • Kostenrechnung, Finanzdimensionen
  • Konsolidierung
  • Planung und Budgetierung
  • Projektverwaltung
  • Periodische Abschlussfunktionen
  • Berichtswesen
    • Data Lake
    • Business Intelligence
  • Internationalität, Sprachversionen, landesspez. Funktionen
  • Konformität, GoBD Compliance


Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance in record time of only 3 months at DIGEL

Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance at DIGEL in a record time of just 3 months. Meinhard Iken, CFO of DIGEL AG, praises the flexible and solution-orientated approach of the SPH team: “The way and professionalism with which the SPH project team responded to the specific needs of our employees and found solutions to the various challenges was impressive and contributed to a high level of acceptance of the solution within the company.”

Your Benefits Of


IN:FASHION comes with a fully integrated PLM. This significantly shortens the time from the collection idea to the point at which the goods are channelled to the sales channels.

Increase the conversion rate

IN:FASHION guarantees better collection framework planning through an integrated standardised provision of master data (SSOT - Single Source of Truth). Collection framework planning ensures a detailed business overview, e.g. of sales figures and margins.


IN:FASHION supports you in your production planning and control. Complex influencing factors, planning variants and rescheduling are effortlessly taken into account and support you in recognising and eliminating capacity or material bottlenecks at an early stage.


IN:FASHION uses real-time analyses to generate automatic replenishment for all channels (omnichannel) and adapts it dynamically to the sales figures. This increases space productivity.

What our customers say


Would you like to find out more?
Then write to us.

See for yourself how an integrated PLM significantly reduces the time from collection creation to the first delivery of your goods. See how you can carry out efficient collection framework planning, maintain constant space productivity even in the second half of the season, and how you can gain a competitive edge over pure players thanks to modern and holistic omnichannel strategies.

Do you have any questions about IN:FASHION or would you like to see the solution live and in colour? Then send us a message or give us a call. Please fill in the form so that we can process your enquiry quickly. Your data will of course be treated confidentially and will only be used in the context of your enquiry.

The fields marked with an asterisk* are mandatory.

Get In Touch

541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,

Phone:  +012.345.6789

Work Inquiries

Phone: +012.345.6789